
Finding Your Ideal Prospects Using Facebook’s Core Audiences

Welcome to the first part of a 5 part mini-series on how you can use Core Audience Targeting to find your ideal customers or clients on Facebook or Instagram.

If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your Facebook Advertising campaigns or want to get started on the right foot, then this mini-series is for you.

What Are Core Audiences?

Facebook’s unparalleled targeting capabilities come from the fact that we can pull from arguably the most extensive online collection of first-party data (provided by Facebook and advertisers) plus third-party data from Facebook’s localised consumer data providers.

Core Audiences allow us to access this data and define the parameters which represent our ideal target audience. From demographic information such as location and lifestyle factors to interests and passion points to online and offline browsing and of course, purchasing behaviour – it’s all at your fingertips.

Core Audience Targeting is unlike Custom Audience or Lookalike Audience targeting which leverages existing customer data possessed by an advertiser. 

Instead, Core Audience Targeting is where leverage Facebook’s data to find the ideal target audience for our campaigns.

Core Audience Categories

When it comes to creating a Core Audience for your campaigns, there are four main categories from which to select. There are:

Stay Tuned

We’ll cover all four of these over the next four parts in this mini-series so make sure you join us for the next post in which we focus specifically on the Demographic Targeting component.

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