In this article, we point out something that may seem obvious, but many people don’t realise, and that is social media does not make your company sales!
Ok, so let me clear up what I mean by ‘social media does not make you sales’.
What I do not mean is that social media activity, be it paid or organic, will not result in sales.
I mean that social media activity cannot do all the heavy lifting.
Social Media Cannot Do Everything!
There is no perfect Facebook or Instagram post/ad that will result in money ending up in your businesses bank account.
Now, as I said before, this might seem like common sense, but we frequently have prospects and clients think that we can magically run a Facebook advertising campaign and fill up their wallets.
Now before you start thinking that social media is worthless, which is something that I do not want you to think, I will remind you that I did say the social media can result in sales.
However, to do so, you need a reliable, repeatable sales process that turns leads into customers.
You Need A Reliable, Repeatable Sales Process
To use an oversimplified analogy – think of social media advertising as a traffic store. You go there to buy traffic or visitors.
We use social media to drive qualified traffic, that contains people that look like your ideal customers, to your website or landing pages.
It’s the job of this conversion asset – the landing page or your website – to turn this traffic into a sales lead.
Finally, it’s the job of your sales process to turn this lead into a sale. In the absence of a reliable, repeatable sales process, you won’t have a deal.
It’s up to your sales team to make the sale. Social media activity can result in sales – but it does not make them for you.